“There is no greater medal than to be acclaimed for your style”
Johan Cruyff

Cruyff Football + Possession Football
Cruyff Football and Possession Football by Albert Capellas have found themselves with the will to create, develop and update content related to the way of training and playing football inspired by Johan Cruyff’s philosophy.
From the platform Cruyff Football you can understand and put his vision and experience into practice in an efficient, dynamic and easily accessible way.
We want our proposal, based on amply proven success factors, to reach federations, clubs and coaches; we want them to make their teams and players evolve into their highest level: thinking, decision-making and moving the ball quickly, both when training and competing.
It is also about learning how to play fair, enjoying the game and, finally, winning on the score, offering an offensive, creative and dynamic playing style. The result of the practiced football must allow clubs, coaches and supporters to find and feel their identity, feeling the pride of belonging.
“Go out and enjoy”
Johan Cruyff
The way of playing
Cruyff football is a way of understanding football, a style of play where we seek to have possession of the ball for as much time as possible.
“There is only one ball, so you need to have it”
Johan Cruyff

Cruyff Football platform
If you are interested in getting to know the main secrets that the positioning game is based on, we are going to share with you the criteria which we abide to in each of the phases of our model so that you can increase the chances of success in your club, your team, or so you can grow as a coach.
Cruyff Football platform is based in:
We offer the best knowledge in a very visual style which is understandable for all levels.
You will find a lot of information that will help you to create or perfect your own training and playing model.
Quality information, saving you a lot of time in internet searches.
We offer a platform that is always available, 24/7/365.